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Hello friends, I feel so excited that you have come to my website. Hope you guys are feeling as excited as I am. This is the first time I can feel we are so connected and I hope all of you coming in will leave an impression and will come again.
I write based on the knowledge and experiences that I have acquired throughout my life, rather than simply copying and pasting information from the internet on a specific topic. I write based on my own thoughts and analysis, and most importantly, I write what I believe to be true. As a result, my writing may not always be in a formal tone or please all breeds of people. Rather, I aim to be honest with you, even if it means exposing the brutal or unpleasant aspects of reality and human nature. It is not my mission to glorify such negativity; on the contrary, I seek to condemn it and advocate for its elimination through our collective efforts, fueled by love as the most powerful tool.
I present my writing in a practical, down-to-earth manner that underscores its value beyond theoretical or academic discussions that can easily be found on the internet. What I write is conveyed in simple English that is easy to understand. By reading my work, I hope you will gain a deeper understanding of human nature and the world around us, even if such discussions are often considered taboo or uncomfortable to discuss openly.
Here is a place for me honestly tell you the truth about the world but not a place studded with academic research which is too lofty and euphemistic to talk about people’s harsh realities that require employing human words, for my aim is to provide a place where the truth is told dispense with euphemism or superiority. Please consider this website as a space for candid and truthful discussion of the world, rather than a repository of academic research.
Here you are, there are a lot of interesting and meaningful writings on the website and they are simple and easy to read. Before you leave, click on the items you are interested in to have some thorough reading and thinking to see if you are inspired by any of them.
I write and post regularly, you can come here as frequently as you like to check out if there is anything updated or new you will find interesting. I had a dream of being an author when I was very young. With the effort I have persistently made, my dream comes true today. Friends, I have written three books: ‘A Silent Strong Man’, ‘Marriage – The Dare to Love’ and ‘Judy’s Empathy’. I am a little author, as though little as I am, what I write is big and substantial enough to be some kind of very important stuff in our lives. The genre I write is mostly related to life, love, relationships, and marriage. If you are interested in these topics, you can click ‘Books’ to check them out or visit this link:
If you want to support me, you can click the link below to buy me a coffee to invigorate me and help me survive the finances. Thanks for your time being here! Have a nice day and remember to take care!

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